Tom and Jerry, 21 Episode - Flirty Birdy (1945)

KENAN BİÇER - 114.150 izlenme

Yüklenme Tarihi: 27 Haziran 2015 - 11:55

"Flirty Birdy" (fragment), is a 1945 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 21st Tom and Jerry short. It was also the first modern era cartoon of the cat and mouse duo and the first Tom and Jerry short to be released after World War II . It was made and released on September 22, 1945 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer. The cartoon was directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, and produced by Fred Quimby. The animation was provided by Irven Spence, Kenneth Muse, and Ray Patterson, the music by Scott Bradley, and backgrounds by Robert Gentle. The cartoon revolves around Tom's effort to regain Jerry from an eagle by dressing up as a female bird.
Interesting facts:
Start-up will be been borrowed for the series "Kitty Foiled".
The moment when Tom crashes into the dryer, and fell at him things which make him look like an Indian chief, was cut to show on Cartoon Network.
To show all the replicas in England eagle ("You down?", "She loves me !") were cut. The fact is that the eagle in the cartoon speaks with an English accent.

All rights reserved Warner Bros. Entertainment.